I notice since I been here on Earth that things are crazy. I mean look at all the violence and bullying. I cannot say how many people can relate to being bullied or being a victim of some kind of violence, but I do know that there may be an incident that occurred in your life that changed your life forever.
Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is intentional, hurtful, (physical and psychological), and/or threatening and persistent (repeated). I, myself have been a victim of bullying from my kindergarten year on up to my sixth grade year. From all the name calling and people picking on me, I felt like a nobody. I always had this soft heart, well still do, I guess being nice to people you will still be mistreated. Maybe I was a threat to those who bullied me or they just wanted to fit in with friends or whatever the reason. I was picked on for being quiet and I never told anyone because I felt ashamed because I cannot stand up for myself as I have been taught.I hated life and everyone in it, but nobody care about my feelings. All they cared about hurting my feelings. My life is not perfect but I can say it is better than my school days. When I started standing up for myself I was in the sixth grade, I told myself I am sick of all the name calling and intimidation, now is the time you let people know how you feel. I felt better afterward but I still was scared on the inside and never did I show it on the outside.
Violence is the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against a person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation. I lost my brother five months ago, due to gun violence. I still do not know why people kill other people it is stupid. My brother was a hard worker, young, and would help out anyone. To lose your life at the age twenty-two is just crazy. Even though, you can lose your life at any age..... for me I cannot help but think about losing two brothers who were both twenty-two but died of different causes and different years. Their death and being bullied has affected my life. Sometimes I get depressed because I wonder what will happen to me when I turn Twenty-two. I try not to think negative but I do worry about that. It is still unbelievable that both my brothers are gone but I know they would not want me to be unhappy.
Life its self will make you wonder. The most important things we ask in life is, "When will all the bullying and violence end?" No one knows but forever will I have memories of violence and being bullied. I try to express myself by writing because I cannot seem to verbally talk out my problems I have. So always remember it is best to say how you feel and avoid keeping it in to cause stress.
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